Sunday, November 26, 2006

Eileen Heasley

I am thrilled to be chosen as Team Leader for the Group Study Exchange going to Thailand in February, 2007. Thank you so much to those Rotarians who selected me for this high honor.

I have been asked to tell you about my background and what I hope to see in Thailand. It was my interest in providing safe drinking water to those who do not have it that brought me to Rotary in 2002. I initiated a water project that provides BioSand filters, toilets and hygiene training to a village near Kathmandu, Nepal. I am currently a board member and membership chairperson for my club in addition to being the Water Resource person for my district.
What do I expect to see in Thailand? I hope to see a team that works and travels as a strong unit. We are busy preparing for this to happen. In 1999 I was in Thailand for a week as a tourist with my husband and son. Although we tried to see things that other tourists miss, I hope that this trip will be a real look at how the people live and work.

The GSE Team Meets at the District 6380 Gala

Rotary District 6380 in USA and Canada has chosen a team of four non-Rotarians and two alternates to go to Thailand in February, 2007. They will be hosted by the Rotararians in District 3330. This team met for the first time at the Foundation Gala Dinner and will be using this blog if possible to keep everyone posted.