Steve Youtz

I get “high” on life; even more so when I help people!
Did I get your attention? Great! Now let me explain the “how” and “why” of things.
The frequency and effectiveness of helping people has significantly been improved with my involvement in Rotary International; whose sole purpose is the support of local community and international humanitarian needs through peaceful programs. As a Rotarian, I’m driven by this “high” to continually search out opportunities for helping people.
During my quest I have become more and more involved in my local club, the Rotary Club of Milford, serving as chairman for several projects, as a board member and currently the 2006-2007 president. More recently however, participating in a Rotary Foundation supported program, a Group Study Exchange (GSE), has caught my interest. This program organizes non-Rotarian business professionals and a Rotarian into a team who together, travel to a host country to exchange cultural and professional ideas with Rotarians there. Selected as a Alternate Team Lead, I am tasked with helping to prepare the team for the exchange.
This year the GSE Team will travel to Thailand. Though I won’t be accompanying them, the satisfaction and “high” I anticipate experiencing will be partially the results of helping the team prepare for their trip.
Do you see how, by helping the team experience a successful trip, I can get “higher” on life?
Well maybe you just need to be a Rotarian to appreciate it!
So if our paths cross, look for the sparkle in my eye, the smile on my face or the energy I generate and you will know that I am “high” because I'm helping the GSE Team or other individuals with whatever challenges they were facing.
Still interested? Let’s talk!
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